Site Under Maintenance

This site is currently under maintenance. We will be back soon, probably...

Due to increasing server costs and other reasons, I am changing hosting providers. This site will now be statically severed by Amazon or some other hosting provider. Yay? Sorry for any inconvenience this may have cause you, or anybody you know including your aunt, uncle, brother, grandmother, second cousin, or nephew three times removed. Well, you get the point.

You probably don't come here often, to this, my site, which was mostly written by hand, well on a computer, to showcase my coding and design talents. Is this all really relevant any more? But rest assured fellow human being, I have not forgotten you. Some cool things may come here in time, probably, maybe. But now I am focusing more on other things, like creating more delicious art. Yes, I will try to make a lot more art.

You may or may not realise by now, but this is actually supposed to be filler text, that I have carefully written and crafted to fill out the empty space on this page. I've written nearly a paragraph already! After all, a blank page doesn't say much now, does it? Well I usually don't write much, this is quite enough for now I think. Ive re-written this several times already, lol.

Anyways, see you around sometime...